Investment Management

"Investment management demands a tax-efficient financial strategy. Our method of investment management is to develop thorough plans that factor in tax consequences to maximize your returns."

- Mitch McLean

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Investment Management Advisor Ontario

What is Investment Management?

Investment management is the professional management of various securities and assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate investment trusts in order to meet specific investment goals for clients. The goal of investment management is to maximize returns and minimize risk, while taking into consideration the unique needs and goals of each individual client.


Investment management is performed by a team of professionals who use their expertise in market analysis, asset allocation, and risk management to make informed decisions about where to invest clients' money. The investment management process involves research and analysis, portfolio construction and monitoring, and regular reporting to clients to ensure that their investments are on track to meet their financial objectives.


Investment management can be beneficial for individuals and organizations seeking to grow their wealth over the long-term, and it can also be used as a means to generate income in retirement. Whether you're a first-time investor or an experienced financial professional, investment management can help you achieve your financial goals through a well-structured and disciplined approach to investing.

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Mitch McLean

Mitch McLean

Financial Advisor

Mitch McLean is an Ottawa based financial advisor with over 16 years experience, offering financial planning services across the entire province of Ontario including Ottawa, Toronto , Mississauga , Brampton , Hamilton, Markham, Vaughan and Kitchener.

If you are interested in scheduling a call with Mitch to discuss your financial planning and personal finance needs, then simply contact him below and please feel free to connect with him on on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, or schedule and appointment below.

Investment Management Company Ontario

Why Is Investment Management Important?

Professional Expertise

Investment management provides access to professional expertise in market analysis, asset allocation, and risk management. These professionals have the skills and knowledge to make informed investment decisions that maximize returns and minimize risk.


Customized Approach

Investment management takes into consideration the unique needs and goals of each individual client, and develops a customized approach to meet those specific requirements. This tailored approach helps ensure that the client's investments are aligned with their financial goals.


Consistent Monitoring and Reporting

Investment management includes regular monitoring and reporting on the performance of the portfolio, ensuring that the client is informed about the status of their investments. This consistent communication helps the client stay on track towards achieving their financial goals and make any necessary adjustments to their investments.


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Navigating Your Financial Future, Together


Mitch McLean believes that everyone deserves access to expert financial guidance and support. As an Ottawa-based financial advisor, we are committed to providing personalized and comprehensive financial planning services to clients throughout the province of Ontario.

Our goal is to empower you to make informed decisions, reach your financial goals, and secure your financial future.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us help you navigate your financial journey.

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Asset Allocation

The process of dividing an investment portfolio among different asset categories, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate investment trusts, in a way that aligns with the client's risk tolerance and financial goals.



Spreading investments across a variety of asset classes and geographic regions to minimize risk and increase returns.


Value Investing

A strategy that involves buying undervalued assets with the expectation that their value will increase over time.


Growth Investing

A strategy that focuses on investing in companies with high growth potential.


Income Investing

A strategy that aims to generate steady income from investments, such as bonds and dividend-paying stocks.


Momentum Investing

A strategy that involves investing in assets that have been performing well, with the expectation that their momentum will continue.


Index Investing

A passive investment strategy that tracks a market index, such as the S&P 500, rather than trying to outperform it.


ESG Investing

An investment strategy that considers environmental, social, and governance factors in investment decisions.


Alternative Investments

Investments in assets other than stocks, bonds, and cash, such as private real estate investment trusts, private income, and private equity.

"Making Clients Wealthy is Our Mission"

-Mitch McLean

Ontario Investment Management

Our Approach to Investment Management

Mitch McLean believes in providing Canadians with the principles of wealth creation and the ACCESS to tools and products that are truly aligned with the principles of wealth creation.

To be successful in any endeavour, requires a three-step process:



1. Identify A Role model

At Mitch McLean and Mandeville Private Client Inc, we look up to successful wealth creators like Warren Buffett and large pension funds as investment role models. With his value investing approach, Buffett is considered one of the most successful investors of our time and has been dubbed the "Oracle of Omaha." He prioritizes managers with a founder's mindset, ethical shareholder treatment, and exponential value creation.

The reason we look up to successful role models like Warren Buffett is to learn from their approach to wealth creation and investment. By studying their strategies and principles, we can gain insights into their recipe for success and apply those lessons to our own financial endeavours.

You can explore more about Mitch McLean and Mandeville Private Client Inc's role models, here.


2. Get The Recipe

Once we have identified a role model for our approach to financial investment, it's important to go beyond merely admiring their success and to delve deeper into the principles and strategies that have led to their achievements

Understanding their recipe for success can provide invaluable insights that we can use to develop our own investment strategies and make informed decisions about our finances. By studying the approach of successful investors like Warren Buffett, we can gain a deeper understanding of the characteristics that contribute to their success, such as value investing, founder centrism, ethical shareholder treatment, and a focus on long-term value creation.

Ultimately, by studying the recipes for success of our investment role models, we can create a more informed and effective approach to financial investment.



3. Execute Exactly

Once we have studied the investment strategies of successful role models, the next step is to execute these strategies effectively. It's important to keep in mind that while understanding the principles and strategies of successful investors is essential, blindly copying their every move may not always yield the same results.

Instead, we need to adapt these strategies to our unique financial situations and goals, while still adhering to the core principles that have led to success. Effective execution requires discipline, patience, and a long-term perspective. We should be prepared to withstand short-term fluctuations in the market and stay committed to our strategy over the long term.

By executing these strategies well and with discipline, we can increase our chances of achieving our financial goals and create a more secure financial future for ourselves.

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Investment Management Services in Ottawa, Toronto and Mississauga.

Mitch McLean is an Ottawa based financial and investment planning advisor offering investment advice and investment management services across the entire province of Ontario including Ottawa, Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton , Hamilton, Markham, Vaughan and Kitchener .

If you are interested in scheduling a call with Mitch to discuss your financial planning and investment needs then simply contact him below and please feel free to connect on LinkedIn and Twitter too!

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is Investment Management?

Investment management is the professional management of various securities and assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate investment trusts in order to meet specific investment goals for clients. The goal of investment management is to maximize returns and minimize risk while taking into consideration the unique needs and goals of each individual client.

What are Alternative Investments?

Investing into Alternative Investments is a type of investment strategy that focuses on alternative asset classes, such as private equity, private income, and real estate investment trusts, rather than traditional assets like stocks and bonds. The goal of alternative investment management is to diversify a portfolio and potentially dampen the volatility compared to traditional public investments.

How to Manage Investment Risk?

Risk management is an important aspect of investment management. Strategies to manage investment risk include diversification, regular portfolio monitoring, and adjusting the mix of assets in the portfolio as market conditions change. Additionally, it is important to have a well-defined investment plan and to regularly review and adjust it as needed.

Are Investment Management Fees Deductible?

In general, investment management fees are not deductible as a direct expense within a registered account. However, they may be deductible as part of the miscellaneous itemized deductions on a taxpayer's federal income tax return, for fees incurred on a non-registered investment account, subject to certain limits.