Retirement Planning

“Retirement planning requires a tax-efficient financial plan. Our approach to retirement planning is to create comprehensive strategies that take tax implications into consideration”

- Mitch McLean

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Retirement Planning Canada

What is Retirement Planning?

Retirement planning refers to the process of preparing for one's retirement by estimating future income and expenses and determining the necessary steps to reach financial goals for a secure and comfortable retirement. This involves creating a financial plan that considers factors such as pensions, savings, investments, taxes, and inflation to provide a steady income stream in retirement.Retirement planning helps individuals make informed decisions about their future and ensure that they have sufficient resources to support their desired lifestyle during retirement.

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Mitch McLean

Mitch McLean

Financial Advisor

Mitch McLean is an Ottawa based financial advisor with over 16 years experience, offering financial planning services across the entire province of Ontario including Ottawa, Toronto , Mississauga , Brampton , Hamilton, Markham, Vaughan and Kitchener.

If you are interested in scheduling a call with Mitch to discuss your financial planning and personal finance needs, then simply contact him below and please feel free to connect with him on on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, or schedule and appointment below.

Canada Retirement Planning

Why Is Retirement Planning Important?

Financial Stability

Retirement planning helps ensure you have enough savings to cover living expenses during retirement. Retirement planning helps ensure you have enough savings to cover living expenses during retirement. Maintaining Standard Of Living

A well-planned retirement can help maintain the standard of living you are accustomed to before retirement. Maintaining a standard of living in retirement planning refers to ensuring that one's lifestyle and expenses in retirement do not drastically change from their pre-retirement years.

Peace of mind

A well-designed retirement plan can bring peace of mind, knowing that you have taken steps to secure your financial future. Peace of mind refers to the state of comfort and security that individuals have about their future financial situation after they retire.


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Retirement planning Strategies

Investment management strategies are approaches that investment managers use to achieve specific financial goals for their clients. We have outlined a few below.

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Saving regularly through a retirement account, such as a RRSP

Saving regularly through a retirement account is a key strategy in securing your financial future. By contributing to a RRSP, you are making a commitment to regularly putting aside funds for your retirement years. These types of accounts offer tax advantages, helping your savings grow faster over time.


Maximizing employer retirement plan contributions, such as matching contributions from an employer.

Maximizing employer retirement plan contributions can greatly benefit a person's retirement savings. Employers often offer matching contributions as a benefit, which means they will match a portion of the employee's own contributions to the retirement plan.


Minimizing debt and living within one's means to have more funds available for retirement

Minimizing debt and living within one's means is an important aspect of retirement planning as it frees up more funds for future savings and investment.


Estimating retirement expenses and creating a retirement budget

Estimating retirement expenses and creating a budget for it is a crucial aspect of retirement planning. It helps individuals understand how much they will need to save and how much they can spend in retirement.


Assessing and periodically reviewing one's progress towards retirement goals

Assessing and reviewing progress towards retirement goals is an essential step in retirement planning. This helps to ensure that you are on track to achieving your desired retirement lifestyle and allows you to make any necessary adjustments to your savings, investment or other financial strategies.


Annuities, long-term care insurance, and other financial products to provide guaranteed income in retirement

 Considering the use of annuities, long-term care insurance, and other financial products to provide guaranteed income in retirement is an important aspect of retirement planning. These products can help ensure a stable and consistent income stream during retirement, helping to address the risk of outliving one's savings.


Investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other assets.

Investing in a diverse portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other assets is a key strategy for retirement planning. By spreading investments across different types of assets, you reduce the risk of losing your savings in a single market downturn. A well-diversified portfolio can help you reach your retirement goals while also providing peace of mind by mitigating potential losses.

"Making Clients Wealthy is Our Mission"

-Mitch McLean

How We Guide You - Magic Retirement Number

Our Approach to Retirement Planning

At McLean Wealth Creation we help you find your Magic Retirement Number. Everyone has their own Magic Retirement Number, a walk away number, where you decide if you go to work or spend more time pursuing other interests.

We begin with your goals, and then determine what amount of savings is required for you to achieve your goals. Once we know your current situation well, we also present financial strategies that can help you along the way. We give clients a roadmap to reach their Magic Retirement Number.

As life unfolds and needs change, we continue to evaluate and determine if your number needs to be adjusted to keep you on track and maintain your financial freedom.

Determine Your Desired Lifestyle

Determining your desired lifestyle is the first step in retirement planning and an important factor in determining your Magic Retirement Number. While it is impossible to accurately predict the future, it is important to have a general idea of what you want your retirement lifestyle to be like before you begin planning.

Consider your current living expenses and lifestyle, including medical needs, leisure activities, and travel. Think about the type of home you would like to live in and the areas you would like to travel to. This will help you set realistic goals and expectations for your retirement lifestyle.

Project future asset values (factor in inflation)

The second step in retirement planning is to project future asset values. Inflation will have an impact on the value of your savings and investments over time, so it is important to factor it into your calculations.

Consider the current values of your investments and savings, as well as the potential for growth over time. Consider the potential for your investments to increase or decrease in value and use an online calculator to project their future values.

Analyze investments and tax structures to pinpoint your current Retirement Number

The third step in retirement planning is to analyze investments and tax structures to pinpoint your current Retirement Number. Different investments and tax structures can have a major impact on your retirement nest egg. Consider the type of investments you have, the tax advantages associated with them, and the potential for growth.

Present strategies to potentially improve your current Retirement Number and help you reach your required asset level for financial freedom

The final step in retirement planning is to present strategies to potentially improve your current Retirement Number and help you reach your required asset level for financial freedom. This can include changes to your investments, taking on additional income streams, or adjusting your spending and savings habits.

Consider the potential impact of each strategy and determine how it can help you reach your retirement goals. Ensure that you are taking a balanced approach and looking at all possible options. With the right strategies, you can achieve financial freedom and enjoy your retirement years.


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Retirement Planning Services in Ottawa, Toronto and Mississauga.

Mitch McLean is an Ottawa based financial and retirement planning advisor, offering investment advice and retirement planning services across the entire province of Ontario including Ottawa, Toronto , Mississauga , Brampton , Hamilton, Markham, Vaughan and Kitchener .  

If you are interested in scheduling a call with Mitch to discuss your financial planning and retirement needs, then simply contact him below and please feel free to connect on LinkedIn and Twitter too!

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the best age to start retirement planning?

It is recommended to start planning for retirement as early as possible, ideally in your 20s or 30s.

How much should I save for retirement?

The amount you need to save for retirement depends on various factors such as your current expenses, desired lifestyle, and estimated lifespan. It is recommended to save at least 15% of your income each year.

What is the difference between a RRSP and TFSA?

RRSPs and TFSAs can both contain the same investments that are tax-sheltered. Stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and bonds are all included in this category. When it comes to withdrawals, the two investment options behave very differently; RRSP withdrawals are taxed, TFSA withdrawals aren't.

Should I pay off debt or save for retirement?

Both paying off debt and saving for retirement are important financial goals. It is recommended to have a balance between paying off debt and saving for retirement, taking into consideration the interest rates and urgency of debt repayment.

Can I withdraw from my retirement account early?

Withdrawing from a retirement account can result in taxes and penalties. Some exceptions, such as first-time home purchases, may allow for early withdrawals without penalty.

What is the impact of inflation on retirement planning?

Inflation can significantly affect the purchasing power of retirement savings. It is important to consider inflation when estimating expenses and developing a retirement plan and choosing investment options that can potentially provide growth to keep pace with inflation.

What are the options for receiving retirement income?

Options for receiving retirement income include pensions, annuities, and withdrawals from retirement accounts. It is important to consider the tax implications and stability of each option when developing a retirement plan.

How can I ensure that my retirement savings last throughout my lifetime?

To ensure that retirement savings last throughout one's lifetime, it is important to have a diversified portfolio of investments, minimize withdrawals, and regularly review and adjust the retirement plan as necessary.

Is professional help necessary for retirement planning?

Professional help can be beneficial in retirement planning, especially for those with complex financial situations or who need guidance and expertise in developing a comprehensive plan. However, it is ultimately up to the individual to decide if professional help is necessary.