1.      Every client is an informed client and receives up to date, strategic advice from our team. Our wealth building approach is built upon the 4 Pillars of True Financial Planning.


2.      Every client receives a written financial plan that ties into their goals and maps out their roadmap to success.


3.      For each client we explore all wealth creating opportunities facilitated through our 6 Step Wealth Discovery Process.


4.      Every client deserves to have access to private and alternative investments and have portfolios similar to the ultra-wealthy and pension funds.


5.      Fees Matter, we always look to reduce your cost while maximizing value.

First thing to know is we have
5 rules for every client relationship we engage in.

Our Approach

We are committed to delivering the highest standard of excellence in personalized customer service.
We take the time to learn about their clients' goals and aspirations and and incorporate this knowledge
into a customized wealth plan providing a tailor made solution for each client.


4 Pillars of True Financial Planning

The blueprint for successful financial planning has been distilled down to just Four Pillars. Below is how we accomplish this for our clients:


Pillar 2
Investment Plan

Your risk tolerance is determined and a unique Portfolio is compiled to maximize your return without taking on any unnecessary risk. An investment stratagy is put in place that  is aligned with the most successful institutional investors around the world.


Pillar 3
Tax Plan & Cost cutting

“I take clients through our ‘3D tax planning process’ to uncover tax saving opportunities. The 3D’s for tax savings are: Deduct, Defer, and Divide. It is always interesting to see what opportunities I uncover for clients.”


Pillar 4
Insurance Plan

Do you need insurance? How much coverage should one have? Whether you have insurance to protect a need or for tax planning within your Estate a comprehensive analysis is completed to ensure you have the right insurance for you.


Written Financial Plan

Every investment needs a plan, and the plan must answer the following questions, when will you need the money? How much will you need? When will you reach your savings goal? Every client receives a financial plan when they invest with us. For Retirement Plans we start with a cash-flow analysis for clients to help them determine how much they need to maintain their lifestyle for the rest of their life. We produce a “magic retirement number” for each client and determine the nest egg amount required to reach their retirement goal.

Planning is the difference between being reactive and proactive. Every client is unique and distinct and as such, every client has varying challenges, barriers and available opportunities.

A comprehensive financial plan aims to give you peace of mind by showing you the path of least resistance.

Your plan will change over time, and your path will change as well; however, having an understanding of this fluidity allows you to restructure your plan to account for these inevitable changes.

You can always alter and adapt your plan, provided you have one.

Private Investment Opportunities

The largest and most successful institutional investors in the world
(i.e.: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and the Yale Endowment Fund)
as well as the world’s wealthiest families create true lasting wealth
by investing in a mix of both public and private investments.

Our goal is to democratize these private investment opportunities for wealth creation,
and where appropriate, provide our clients with the same investment techniques
used by ultra high net worth and institutional investors.


Pillar 1
Financial Plan

Current cash flow habits and retirement needs are determined. How much money will you require to reach your goal? What is your magic retirement number? A GAP analysis is done for you to compare what you have vs. what you need



I believe that True Financial Planning involves more than just portfolio discussions and we have developed a 6 Step Wealth Management Process designed to help individuals make intelligent long-term decisions in the face of short-term emotions.

Our disciplined process begins with a thorough foundation of all encompassing financial planning and delivers a written and customized wealth plan.

Once a plan is implemented, a structured review program is put in place that continually pursues wealth building opportunities for our clients. As a trusted financial advisor, I take pride in our ability to provide a high level of service and act as clients personal wealth manager.

Our Process

1. Financial Planning Review

2. Discussion Paper/Strategic Options

3. Planning Presentation

4. Develop Asset Allocation/Investment Policy Statement

5. Estate and Insurance Analysis

6. Monitor Results

Helping individuals make intelligent long-term decisions in the face of short-term emotions

Fees Matter

Managing your cost is one of the biggest determinants of growing your wealth.
It cannot be overstated: your fees (and taxes) are the biggest drag on your bottom line.  
On the one-hand, you understand and recognize the need for personalized and experienced advice.
On the other hand, you understand that any direct costs reduce your net worth proportionately.
Agreeing on a cost-structure that makes sense to your overall financial health is a necessary endeavour.
Services are performed on an agreed-upon and pre-determined fee basis,
following an investment strategy that favours diversified growth and minimization of risk.
Price is what you pay, value is what you get.